Dear colleagues,

it is my pleasure to announce the workshop:

NeuroMath, Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience:

cell, network and data analysis,

that will take place in Cortona (Italy), September 12-16, 2016.

We have an extensive list of confirmed speakers, experts in their field. These talks will span over several branches of the Neuroscience field with a common focus on the quantitative and mathematical questions lying behind the scientific questions. The workshop will bring together mathematicians, engineers, physicists and biologists and hopefully this will foster discussions across different research fields.

The list of confirmed speakers is:

We will allocate some slots for posters (e.g. Tuesday & Friday evening) and oral communications (10-25’, along the days). The accepted abstract will appear in the Springer INdAM series  ( A financial support can be provided for the stay at the meeting upon explicit request together with the submission of an abstract.

Conference details:

Hope to see you there!


The organizing committee:

Giovanni Naldi (Dept of Mathemtics, UNIMI, Milano)

Thierry Nieus (Istituto Italiano Tecnologia, Genoa)

Claudio Canuto (Politecnico of Turin).

Thierry Nieus, PhD
Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies
Istituto Italiano Tecnologia (IIT)
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genoa Italy
phone: +39 010 71781749
fax:   +39 010 71781230
skype: thierry.nieus