Christopher M Fang-Yen, Bioengineering
Maria Neimark Geffen, Otorhinolaryngology
Joshua I Gold, Neuroscience
Joseph W Kable, Psychology
Michael J Kahana, Psychology
Max Kelz, Anesthesiology
Brian Litt, Neurology and Bioengineering
Minghong Ma, Neuroscience
Joel D Mainland, Neuroscience
Nicole C Rust, Psychology
Marc Schmidt, Biology
Robert G Smith, Neuroscience
Alan A Stocker, Psychology
Sharon Thompson-Schill, Psychology
Penn also has strong programs in Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, and Psychology with faculty actively involved in machine learning, decision making, perception, and computational learning theory. NGG students are encouraged to pursue collaborations and interactions with these groups.
Penn also is home to a newly established Computational Neuroscience Initiative (, which oversees many of our academic and research programs related to computational neuroscience.
The application deadline for the NGG is December 1, 2015. For more details please see our website: